

It is with enormous pleasure that EGITRON was distinguished by ANI with the Recognition of Professional Competence in R&D activities.
This Certificate of Professional Competence represents a factor of differentiation and valorisation of the certified entities, through the proof of their competence to carry out R&D activities.
The prominence of EGITRON for its capacity to carry out activities with a technological component was evidenced in the following areas of activity:
  • Production Technologies and Process Industry
ICT applied to the production process
  • Production Technologies and Product Industry
Innovative, high value-added products
  • ICT
Internet of Things
ICT applied to Industry (Robotics, electronics, nanotechnologies, ...)

Among the benefits and advantages resulting from this recognition, the following should be highlighted:
  • Enhance the creation of value, through projects in collaboration with companies and entities of the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN);
  • Finance development - company contributions to investment funds, public or private, aimed to finance companies with recognised expertise in R&D are eligible under SIFIDE;
  • Possibility of presenting the R&D activities developed by EGITRON for deduction of expenses under SIFIDE - hiring EGITRON for the development of R&D activities becomes a 100% expense accounted for the attribution of a tax credit.
In short, this milestone does not only represent a competitive advantage for EGITRON, but also a set of advantages that cover all those who will work with EGITRON in future R&D projects, it represents a motivational lever that impels us to do better and be more competitive than yesterday.