
EGITRON becomes associate of the "Animais de Rua" association

EGITRON has become an associate of the "Animais de Rua" (Street Animals) association, contributing once again with another social responsibility initiative. We believe in contributing for a better world.

“Animais de Rua” is a non profit association that has as its main purpose the mass sterilization of stray animals (or animals that live with people with poor economical resources) that are considered at risk within the country.

In Portugal, the over population of stray animals is a reality and a growing problem. This association was created has a response to try to alleviate the suffering of these animals and prevent that more animals are born in equally risky situations.

Contrary to the stance of most Portuguese kennels and catteries, which capture and kill the animals, the “Animais de Rua” takes the CSR (Capture-Sterilize-Release) approach. This method entails: the organized capture of the animals using specialized equipment; followed by their sterilization and eventual pathologies treatment; and after this they are placed into Temporary Foster Families or are release into their previous environment, on these cases they subsequently monitored.

Since this association doesn't receive government funds, they survive only with the donations and contributions from individuals and businesses. Nevertheless they have already sterilized more than 9.000 animals, which signifies an average of 7 sterilizations a day.

These are incredible numbers that EGITRON is proud to now contribute to. All help is essential.

For more information about the work developed by this association, please visit their webpage through the following URL: 

There you will also find information about the multiple ways you can contribute for the association: by spreading the word, by in-kind or monetary donations (sponsoring an animal, occasional donations, membership share, etc.) or by providing information, volunteering etc. 

A quick and easy way of contributing is through the "Animais the Rua" solidary number (+351) 760 300 161 (0,60€ + IVA - Prices for Portugal). By calling you're already helping.

By publishing these kind of news we are trying to promote these initiatives, associations, organizations, etc., showing them to our clients, suppliers and to all the people that access our website. 

We are hoping to raise awareness and encourage people to cooperate so we can all contribute to a better world.