
EGITRON presents workshop about EGITRON SPC Pro at ISMAI

First, EGITRON would like to thank all the people who intervened and made this opportunity possible.

EGITRON was invited to present a workshop about Statistical Process Control at ISMAI - Instituto Superior da Maia (Maia's Higher Institute) that took place on the 19th of January 2013. This event was promoted on ISMAI and through their facebook page, more precisely in the section about Quality, Environment and Securety Management.

ISMAIThe main target audience of this workshop was the students from the CET course o CET Quality Management course and the students from the Quality, Environment and Security Degree.

ISMAIThe workshop consisted of a presentation of EGITRON, a description of the EGITRON SPC Pro software implementation (which addressed practical questions related to the implementation on the clients facilities), and also of a demonstration of the software in action. 

EGITRON promotes the debate and search of knowledge by being available to answer any related question during and/or after the workshop. 

This isn't the first time EGITRON goes to ISMAI for a similar collaboration, in 2010 EGITRON promoted a class about Statistical Process control which was a success and hopefully allowed the students to obtain another perspective about the subject, helping them with their learning and training.

EGITRON is entirely available to receive invitations from other learning institutions for visits or similar presentations.

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